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        Hello, i am just starting to get started pursuing MSP work and i’m trying to figure out what i should price services at and what things i should offer as well as possible ways to get heard by prospects. if there are any suggestions that would be great.
        to start i’m working a break/fix model, but i am trying to migrate to MSP work, though i have still just started pursuing the business as a viable income source so the budget is very tight, currently i have a ticketing and rmm solution but i would like to move to another platform though i can not do that unless it makes sense.

        i’m trying to introduce one client i have been working with to propose cloud continuity for them as a way to get in the door with installing something on his computer at all, eventually the idea would be to install an rmm agent aswell and possibly managed AV but for now the first step i see is to open the door to installing something on his computer at all, trying to gain the trust needed to move forward.

        i’m still new at business (my own) so i’m still learning pricing but this client is actually very willing (sofar) to provide feedback and i think that that is very valuable. the way i met this client was walking into his place of business and introducing myself and asking if they had any tech needs, it turned out that he had been wanting to get a website for his business and that started our relations. he has been a very reasonable client and he seems to truly value my assistance and i value his as well since he is willing to give feedback and to have things work for the both of us. me still being new to business and running things myself i needed that boost and i’m thank full to God that he brought me into that shop that day and has provided more work since then.

        sorry for the long post, just trying to give a background about what i’m trying and looking to do concerning my question for advice.

        John Gethers

          I rolled out in the same manner. Moving people from Break / Fix to Managed can be tough, as they think you should have everything covered from the start. I pitched Monitoring, AV, and SOC. If you do Kaseya’s Security Fast Track, you can also lead by offering them Cyber Insurance for $1700 per year if they have the entire stack.

          John Gethers

            Your billable rate is WAY too low. You have overhead and insurance (hopefully). You won’t make money or be able to grow at those rates. People won’t take you seriously.

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